Home Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulation

1. To regulate the school unerringly, everyone needs to be disciplined. Students are hereby informed to come to the school by 10:30 a.m and be present at the prayer hall by 10:40 a.m sharp. The classses commence at 10:50 a.m.

2. Students needs to come to the school along with their identity proof every single day.                                   

3. Wearing or using any objectionable attire/products in the school is a punishable offence.                         

4. According to the Board students needs to be present on the 75% of the school working days. If the attendance Percentage comes below 50%, students will not be allowed to sit for any further examination and according to the school guidelines the students will be fined for the low percentage issue.

5. Any unauthorised activity ( skipping lesson/ leaving the school premises without permission/ Damage or Breaking of any school property/ Assault and fighting etc)- for these the school authority are authorised to take any course of disciplinary action.

6. Use of headphones, ipod,and other unauthorised electronic and mobile      devices inside the school premises are strictly prohibited. If gets caught, the device will be forfeited for atleast 30days.                    

7. Students are not allowed to roam around the school premises unnecessarily.

8. Damaging any of the school properties be it table, chair, bench, or anything related to electronics are comes under serious offences and the students proven guilty may get rustricated or ask for the damage compensation money.

9. Students are not allowed to keep their cycles inside the school premises. The school authority can not be held responsible for any concerned matter regarding any of the students personal vehicle.                        

10. Students need to apply to the principal atleast 5days before for the school transfer certificate/ character certificate.

11. Meet up time with the principal in charge is - 12:00  pm - 1:30 pm in the afternoon (except Saturday).

12. Work Education, Physical Education and Computer are mandatory for class V - VIII students and each and every student needs to keep the school area clean while having their mid-day meal.

13. Everyday the school commences at 10:40 a.m (along with prayer)   and ends at 4:30 pm (Monday - Friday). For Saturday,it's from 10:40am to 1:30pm.